Analysis of Service Life of Belt Conveyor Idler 提高带式输送机托辊使用寿命的分析
The utility model has the advantage of long period of usage, without dust production when working, and without adhibitation between the conveyor belt and the dumbbell basket idler. 本实用新型密封式输送机制作成本低,使用寿命长,工作时环境无粉尘,输送带与哑铃篮式托辊之间不粘接。
Change and Design of Belt Conveyor Chute General Idler Stands 带式输送机导料槽处普通托辊架改造及设计
Working life test of belt conveyor idler used at open pit mine 在露天矿带式输送机上进行托辊寿命试验
Design of test instrument of resistance parameters and running adaptation of conveyor idler: Mechanical drive system of the test instrument 输送机托辊阻力及跑合试验综合性能测试仪的设计(上)&测试仪机械传动系统
In this paper, the technical measures used to raise the efficiency of belt conveyor for long distance in the domestic and overseas mines, including vacuum dirve, mechanism, intermediate drive mechanism and new-structure idler roof, is presented. 介绍国内外矿山为提高长距离胶带输送机效率所采用的真空传动滚筒、中间传动装置、双电机拖动装置和新结构托辊等技术措施。
Analysis on Causes of Malfunction of PM-404 Drier Conveyor Idler and the Countermeasures PM-404干燥机托轮故障原因分析与对策
Two-end machining boring machine specially designed for belt conveyor idler body 带式输送机托辊辊体专用双面镗床的设计